Saturday, 29 December 2012

Codes and Conventions

Every genre has codes and conventions in order to represent the mood which they want to portray. The thriller codes and conventions are quite similar to the horror codes and conventions as the two genres can link over to each other. The thriller codes and conventions are represented through camera angles, sound, mise-en-scene and editing. 

In order to create a feature film, mise en scene of the film making trade, such as music, script, costumes, camera angles and framing, are used. These are only a few examples of film codes. It is the way they are used that helps us understand which characters are playing each role in the story. The directors use the mise en scene so they can encourage us to like or dislike a character and also help us to understand how important each character is in the story.

Mise en scene is very important in a film as the little details such as lighting, camera angles, props and music set the mood which they want to convey.

In a thriller the lighting is usually dark and has low lighting, as this connotes a creepy and mysterious atmosphere. An example of a film which does this is 'SE7EN' in the opening, when a lot of close up shots of the villain planning his victims death. Also throughout the film low lighting is used for effect such as when one of the detectives are in the library trying to find research.

A lot of different camera angles get taken when doing a film. They often switch between different shots in a thriller to make the viewer seem uncertain about what is going on. Low angle shots can be used for villains for example to show them as powerful and dominate, whereas the high angle shots can be used for a victim to show innocence and vulnerability. Another convention is extreme close ups on important object, props or face expressions within a movie. This helps the audience to focus on a certain thing which connotes that it is an important moment in the film. the film 'SE7EN' uses alot of extreme close up, close up, and mid shots in the opening of the film. This is because it is showing the important props within the movie, and this gives you an inside of the film.

The third code and convention is the editing. It gets edited so there is fast and slow paced editing, this makes the movie more exciting, and can cause a disorientated effect. When editing you can also use flashbacks, these are used quite a lot in thriller movies. An example of a movie which does this is 'Menento'. They use flashbacks to show important parts of the movie, which makes the film make sense later on.

The final code and convention is the music which gets used. It can either be slow or fast paced. It normally is quite and slowly gets built up to create tension and suspense. In a lot of movies they use instruments such as pianos and strings which creates a tense atmosphere. In the opening of the film 'SE7EN' they start off by having slow paced music which eventually gets built up to create tension.

The codes and conventions in every thriller film are important as they help set the scene and atmosphere, and they also help establish to thriller genre through camera shots, editing, lighting and props. 

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