Monday, 19 November 2012


For our opening we have a variety of different places where we want to film for our thriller opening such as: Felicity's pool and drive, Victims living room/garden, Gabby's garage and Gabby's back room where the serial killer does all of his planning and research on how he is going to stalk the five victims.

Our first location was shot by felicity's pool where the 4th victim was already dead. We thought this was a good place to film as it is the 4th victims house, and it shows that the killer has stalked her to her own house, which represents our narrative.

Our second location is Gabby's front room. This is where the serial killer is planning on how he is going to kill the final victim. We thought this would be a good location to films it had cream walls, and a big brown table. We thought the brown table would be a good prop in the room as the killer could spread out books and pieces of information which he has collected. We thought the candle would look effective, as the room is dark due to us turning off the lights and the bright flame is lighting up the information. This makes our atmosphere more tense.

The third location is Gabby's garage, where the serial killer kept the pictures of the victims and burnt each picture as he killed them. We used this room as it was a brick garage which gave it a cold atmosphere which added to the tension. The props around the garage were objects such as unwanted items and hammers, which fitted in with our narrative, as they could be used as a weapon. The door where we hung the pictures, we felt like this was good as the door was small which gave it a sense of confusion, and because it was also dirty and scratched. We used a variety of different shot in here such as; close up of pictures, zoom, and long shot.

The forth location is Gabby's house, where we used her gate and her patio for the serial killer to stand, as he has stalked the 5th victim home. We felt like her gate was a good setting as it meant we could do a match on action shot which looked effective as it showed continuity. We also thought steps going up to the patio would be a good place to film as it meant we could do a high and low angle shot making the serial killer seem powerful as he walked up to the patio. Her patio looks in onto the living room where the serial killer could look in watching the 5th victim, and take photos of her to add to his collection. We felt this was a good shot as we could do a long shot which zoomed out from the killer to see the whole setting.

The final location was Arnold park. We felt like this would be a good place to film as it is quite realistic as the 5th victim is walking through the park to get home, whilst the serial killer is up on a hill hiding behind a tree. We felt like we could use a variety of different shots to make it look effective  such as a long shot to see her walking, a low angle shot looking down on her from the serial killers view and also a point of view shot from her angle, where she is looking around. By using this shot it made the audience have a sense of what she is seeing and feel more involved. However, in the end we did not think the quality of the filming was as good as the rest of our thriller, so we thought it would be best to take it out.

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